
решебник по Английскому 7 класс Афанасьевой 2002-2007
12.Окт.10, 23:43:36

решебник по английскому 7 кл Афанасьева

Решебник по английскому яз. 7 кл. "Домашняя работа (ГДЗ) (решение) по Английскому языку 7 класс к учебнику Афанасьевой издатальства Просвещение. 2002 год."
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1) Geographically Britain is as far north as Siberia. For example Edinburgh is 56 degrees north of the equator, the same latitude as Moscow.
2) Russia is the biggest country in the world, while the UK is one of the world’s smallest countries (it is twice smaller than France or Spain), with an area of about 244,100 square kilometers.
(смотрите решебник по английскому языку 7 кл. Афанасьева)
3) In contrast to Russia the UK’s climate is generally mild and temperate because of the Gulf Stream, which brings warm water and air across the Atlantic from the Gulf of Mexico.
4) The population of Russia is about 148000000, while the UK’s is only 57000000.
5) In Russia there are much more peoples and languages than in Britain, because Russia is the land of over 100 nationalities.
6) The UK is originally a land of vast forests, mainly oak and beech in the Lowlands and pine and birch in the Highlands, with great stretches of marshland and smaller areas of moors while the fauna or animal life of Russia is much more various.
Категория: 7 класс | Добавил: admin | Теги: 7 класс, английский, Афанасьева
Просмотров: 5146 | Загрузок: 1 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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